
Following The Underground Railroad Route To Canada

IMG_2812Last August, my husband an I decided that we wanted to travel some of the route that the escaping “28” travels in 1853.  It is 364 miles from Cincinnati to Windsor, Ontario.  In Ann Arbor, we met Deborah Meadows from the African-American Cultural and Historical Museum of Washtenau County.  Deborah graciously took us on a tour of the area around the Asher Array and William Harwood farms.  It is documented that Asher Array drove the “28” to Detroit on the last leg of their journey to Canada.

We were very surprised on September 21st when Deborah came to our Living History event and took home some new ideas for her organization.   Thanks Deborah for supporting the great work that is going on all over the  United States to uncover the read story of the Underground Railroad as a strong, interracial network or courageous people.



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