Cincinnati Post & Anti Abolitionist
Sat. March 26, 1842
Publisher: L. Greely Curtis
List of Abolitionists of Cincinnati, OH
Thomas Morris Attorney-at-Law
G. Bailey, Jr. Editor Philanthropist
Samuel A. Alley Printer
Rev. Wm. Brisbane Baptist
Rev. J. Blanchard 6th Presbyterian Church
James Dean shoemaker
George D. Fry Sec. Anti Slavery Society
Harvey Hall Attorney-at-Law
E. F. Bush
D. DeForest tin shop & hardware store, 5th st.
C. Donaldson iron store Main st.
David Williams
Wm. Carson planing machinery Front st.
C. M. Merrell
N. H. Merrell
S. P. Chase Attorney-at-Law
Samuel Lewis
Amos Moore tanner Elm st.
H. Miller stove store 4th st.
A. Kellogg auctioneer 5th st.
Murphy & Son grocery corner 5th & Western Row
A. W. Hicks formerly shoemaker
Wm. Birney notary public corner Main & 4th st.
Burnet & Sons confectionary 5th st.
E. B. Howells Commercial Bank
Joseph Coppen ship joiner on Ludlow between Congress & Trid
T. Saiter dentist, druggist Broadway
Joseph Gilman Yawl builder Fulton
Dr. Towler Fulton
A. H. Ernst Spring Garden
Geo. H. King blacksmith 4th near Western Row
Samuel Davis carpenter 5th near Western Row
Dr. Archibald Miles
Benj. G. Childs Yawl builder near canal
M. French stove manufacturer
Ezra Stiles foreman at French’s factory
Wm. Clauson bedstead manufactory corner Race & 2nd st.
George McCullough & Thomas Heath grocers corner Main & 1st st.
Joseph Wilson (?) #7 Sycamore
Wm. A. M?
? ?erkin chair manufactory Plum, Longworth & 6th st.
Rev. Francis Wilcom
Col. Rees E. Price farmer Symmes Twp.
E. Nevers copperplate engraver
Robert Kemp deacon Baptist Church
George Smith
Hugh P. Glascow carpenter
Moses Glascow
Wm. Dearlove agent Philanthropist
Wm. Tanner blacksmith 9th between Main & Sycamore
Abraham Gibson cooper Broadway above 8th
J. B. Hearne Attorney-at-Law
George M. Allen
C. S. Burdsal added to abolitionist list
“This list will be continued with new additions from week to week until perfected.
Our friends in the South will know what use to make of it.”