
College Hill Post Office


1634 Pasadena

1634 Pasadena

The post office building at 1634 Pasadena dates before 1865.  Before this post office, the service was located at Cary Academy and Strong’s store and was operated by Alanson and Jsiah Grant.

Students came to Farmers’ College and Ohio Female College From all over the state and from many surrounding states and often wrote letters home.  Some of these  letters which would have been sent from this post office has been identified as well as correspondence from abolitionists Jonathan Cable  and the Wilsons.

The first postmaster for this two story building probably was Edward DeSerisy, Jr. (1853-1876).  The second store overhangs the first for ease in loading mailbags onto the roof of the coach used for mail delivery.

Pleasant Hill Post Office

Alanson Grant                                  Sept. 4, 1837    discontinued  Aug. 7, 1838

Zebulon Strong                                March 30, 1842

 Name changed to  Carey’s Academy    April 13, 1842

Zebulon Strong                               April 13, 1842

 Name changed to College Hill        Dec. 18, 1849

Isaiah Grant                                     July 19, 1850 (name should be Josiah)

James S. Cooke                                June 30, 1852

Edward De Serisy, Jr.                       Nov. 8, 1853

Mrs. Mary McGroarty                      Jan. 26, 1876

Source: photocopy of records from archives, Washington D.C., Hamilton County    1837-1892



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