
Pro-Slavery Riots in Cincinnati 1836

1836 Handbill in Cincinnati

1836 Handbill in Cincinnati

The book “Narrative of the Late Riotous Proceedings Against the Liberty of the Press in Cincinnati” was written in 1836 by the original members of the Southwest Ohio Anti-Slavery Society. In it is wealth of information about the founding of the Anti-Slavery Society as well as the Anti-Abolition Committee. Because Cincinnati was a border town, there were as many  pro-slavery citizens as anti-slavery. The book contains letters from both committees as well as newspaper articles leading up to the burning of the Philanthropist newspaper in 1836.  More information on Pro-Slavery Riots in Cincinnati.

The original members of the Southwest Ohio Anti-Slavery Committee were:

James C Ludlow –President (built Hall of Free Discussion in Cumminsville)

James Birney ( founder Philanthropist newspaper)

Rees E Price

Isaac Colby

John Melendy

Wm Donaldson

Thos Maylin

C Donaldson

Gamaliel Bailey

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